Saturday, January 9, 2016

From the desk of Writers Digest award winning author Jennifer Morse.  Just released on Amazon Kindle........

                                   Fairy Godmothers of The Four Directions

                                                                       Book review 5 Stars

Reviewed by Melinda Hills for Readers' Favorite
Everyone knows that Cinderella had a fairy godmother, but you probably didn’t know there is more than just one? Jennifer Morse loosely uses the story of Cinderella to detail a path to a more enlightened life free from psychological baggage in Fairy Godmothers of The Four Directions. In this tale..., Cinderella is saved from her wicked stepmother by the Prince and is set to become his wife. Before that can happen, though, she has to be able to move past the tragedy of her parents’ death and her treatment at the hands of the stepmother. The only way to proceed is to study under the Fairy Godmothers of the Four Directions.
Stage by stage, Cinderella is confronted by physical challenges and heart wrenching sadness as she learns about the gifts represented by each compass point. Putting aside her hurt and longing for the Prince, Cinderella learns how to combine trust and innocence, dreams and imagination, strength and wisdom, and new beginnings to find a wholeness in her body-mind-spirit. Cinderella is forced to find her own inner strength through encounters with strange and wonderful beings, as well as the threat of annihilation by the Chimera, a representation of the absence of anything good. Only then will she be strong enough to become the Prince’s wife and future Queen of the Kingdom.
Fairy Godmothers of The Four Directions by Jennifer Morse is an amazing journey of discovery for the fairy tale character Cinderella that teaches each of us the potential to be in tune and truly aware. It is a deep, moving story in its own right but is so much more if you choose to read deeper between the lines
Jennifer is currently working on Fairy Godmothers of The Four Elements.

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