Saturday, February 7, 2015

When Bill asked “Who are the readers of Redemption’s Warrior?” I said, “All ages enjoy Redemption’s Warrior. It’s the hero’s journey. Adventure filled with mysticism.”

The story itself hums with mysticism. A shimmer makes the story come alive. Think of one of Katy Perry’s songs”

So what is mysticism?” Bill asks again. Despite writing our book together he is still trying to understand. I understand his confusion.

Mysticism? Mysticism wears many faces. Practices people use to build lives of well-being…” I squeeze my face in concentration. These conversations always fall short of describing mysticism. I take a deep breath to try again.

Mysticism is bigger than wellness. It brings the sacred dimension into the ordinary.” Bill nods his head. Bill spent months researching the settings of Redemption’s Warrior. He designed the plot and knows each twist of the story.

I added layers of sacred into the story. Inspired by our conversation I continue, “Mysticism is the golden thread of hope. Combined with our personal strengths it can lead us to success, flourishing.”

I’m onto something with this description. My body feels light and free. “Mysticism is synergistic, inexplicable magic. The fusion of our efforts leads us into wellness. Readers of Redemption’s Warrior will know the ordinary effects of mysticism.”

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